Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today's word

Today's word is Dipthong - really only by way of introduction to the real word of the day - coming up soon, but first hands up anyone who knows what a dipthong is...

Apparently it's when 2 sounds run smoothly into each other - like the oohwa oohwa sound in the chorus of the "Video killed the radio star" song.

Oohwawoo - would therefore be a trypthong, or a tripthong, depending on your spelling preferences, or indeed if you cared what the right spelling was...

So Oohwaweehooyaawee would be a (drumroll please) - count them if you don't believe me ... it's a "Sexthong" - yes - it's a proper english language word for a little known english language phenomenon that, as far as I'm aware only occurs in that rarely used word "Noohwaweehooyaaween."

As Mr VCTB pointed out when we were musing on this - it would probably be called a hexthong if such a thing existed, darned english language namers of grammarial things and their lack of a sense of fun...


Domestic Oub said...

a) V v v funny.

b) you've waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on your hands.

Niamh B said...

too much time? you tell me I've too much time, after me spending the last 1.5 hours of said time licking envelopes, tying bows, and studying lists and numbers!! yes I've too much time, you're quite right

Colm Keegan said...
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Colm Keegan said...

I never said anything....

Niamh B said...

It's not unusual...

Anonymous said...

Somehow I would have thought a sexthong was something different entirely, and my mind boggles vvery easily. DQ

Anonymous said...

So THAT's what happened my legs!!