Thursday, April 8, 2010

That's me that is.....

So this week.... for the bus, wink wink..... nudge nudge...., write a poem about someone you don't know at all at all, get what I mean? wink wink... nudge nudge.... whose phone number or email address you don't have at all at all, and make up some new completely imaginatory totally fictional poem that has nothing at all at all to do with anything or anyone in your real life.

NOTE: This is only a decoy prompt post for use by squeamish bus poets who want to pretend they didn't write a poem even vaguely inspired by anyone they actually know, because they don't want everyone they actually know to be reading the poem thinking "Oh that's me!" "Oh they mean me there, that was my knitting needle they're talking about there" "Oh I bet that's my third cousin twice removed" etc etc etc. The real official real prompt is to be found two posts ago. For super dooper extra bonus points (which don't exist and which I've just made up now really), call up the two people or businesses that you were prompted to write about - use those conversations in the poem.


Emerging Writer said...

Just thought. My number's on your phone....and your's is on mine. Hah!

Niamh B said...

So you see the quandary? I suppose it's just hard to admit you used people you know for a poem, because you're obviously going to use poetic license to make something totally different out of them... and how the poem will be judged by others is a problem too - ie if you write something bile filled - making a monstrous character, people will be saying - well why do you have them on your phone? and if you make it all nicey nice people will just think it's sucking up/ nostalgia. Ah who cares what people say... make art anyways... but make it unrecognisable...
Oh my head...

Totalfeckineejit said...

Ok, it's time I'm going in, wish me luck chaps.

Niamh B said...

Good luck TFE!