Thursday, December 9, 2010

What I've been doing when I should have been putting poems in shops

For who can resist the allure of Double Dream Hands?


Totalfeckineejit said...

I always wondered how Cliff Richard learned to dance.Now I know.

Louise said...

Hmmm, if I see you dancing like that, I will know it is really time to worry!

Emerging Writer said...

Thanks for sharing (I think) I can now dance like my uncle David

Niamh said...

What a good way to keep warm! Much cheaper than oil heating! Is it a gift from the IMF to the irish people by any chance?

Titus said...

Awesome! Can you do it yet? I've had three gos and I'm still only getting the 'freestyle' bit right.

chiccoreal said...

Dear Niamh: It must be "an across the pond thing!". What's up with this then? Pray tell! (with Double Dream hands or not)...maybe I'm just out of the loop! Never! hahah!

Niamh B said...

TFE, a lot of those moves are very familiar!
Socks, just wait for the xmas party!
EW - your uncle David has got STYLE
Niamh - that's such a clever idea - wish I'd thought of posting it with that premise!
Titus, Almost - the Butterfly always catches me out at the end there.
Chicco!! I think it's a lazy thursday thing, never fear - with the snow clearing I should get out into shops soon!

Niamh B said...

Oh we need a vid of your tree dancing Kat, just to be absolutely sure!