Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nous Sommes Arriveé!

NanU - that wonderful Scientist and cat lover has brought "International Put Your Poem In A Shop Month" comprehensively to the people and poetry lovers of France!

Here's her lovely poem in a coat
A particularly dangereux placement next to a coffee maker
Near the Rugby merchandise
Beside some shoes/ choux

And seasonally with some Santa's

NanU's dramatic real life true story about the poetry placements can be found here. And the mysterious words of the really lovely poem that she placed out there is roundabouts here.

Don't forget to check earlier posts for more USA, Irish and Scottish poems in shops!!!!

Warms the cockles of my little heart it does.


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

thoughtful information about poetry.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

End of The Year Awards 4 Friends of Jingle or Jingle Poetry Community

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! xxx

keep up the excellence,

link up to 3 poems to our potluck tomorrow, give us the cheers to continue...

Pete Goulding said...

This is truly getting international now.
(Incidentally I've been marking Jingle as spam?)

Niamh B said...

isn't it great peter? the ipypiasm I mean.

haven't made my mind up on jingle yet, they seem kind of nice, think i'll just tactfully not answer them too often...