Over the past month the number of neices and nephews in my life have doubled.
First of all - on the third of the month - the nephew count was doubled by the arrival of a new little Galwegian man, who also lifted the total no. of nieces and nephews by 33% to 1/4 above where they had previously been.
More recently, in Boston, last Friday - two more new people have arrived - within two minutes of each other - increasing the overall total by a further 50% and adding both to the neice and the nephew count by another 33% each.
It's crazy.
New people, who I haven't even met yet, but who are going to be important to me for the simple reason of who happened to have made them. I'm even being appointed fairy godmother of one of the Bostonians, so that'll be interesting.
New people are great cos they make me feel all superior with the way I can open my eyes at will, and they haven't had time to annoy anyone yet either, so that also goes in their favour. Imagine never having annoyed anyone? Not many people can claim that (least of all myself - I'm probably annoying people as I type) (this kind of introspective blog post does annoy some people) (at least so I've heard) (it's not funny or clever) (but babies are funny and cute and clever in their own way by smiling at us so we love them whether they actually find our random burbles amusing or not)
Anyways - that's the happy news of growth, improvement and many long and happy hours to come.
Who says we should curb population growth, when families like your extend and expand? All those lovely and non-annoying babies are most welcome.
Babies are very annoying right from birth, if not before.You should have heard how annoyed Mrs EEjit was getting our sons fat head out when he was being born. In fact you might have heard. I'm sure half of europe did.
Elisabeth - I'm sure plenty would say so, but sure tis still happy news for us!
TFE, no I didn't hear that at the time, but sounds like it's still fresh in your memory!
I loved your post, it's good to have a logical, loving, optimistic look at the new world! Most of them like my socks will probably live until they are 120 because of the strides in medicine and the like. So well may they enjoy their years of innocence!
Oh, extra expense for Christmas and birthdays. And wait till they make their Communion. There must be some better way. Maybe wait till they're fully-formed and self-sufficient to be born?
Congratulations - and they get an aunt who is both left- and right- brain dominant!
Well, right now, what with the kicks to the bladder, my little-one-to-be isn't making any friends...
Huge Congratulations!
Though I am, myself, in the school of thought that thinks babies should be put in a drawer until they are 18 months old...
Thanks Socks, they probably will alright, all going well - twill be a different world by then!
Peter? Expense? Surely a kind word, or a little poem will be all their little hearts will desire?
Thanks Acorn - hopefully that's a good thing!
Oub - am sure little one will have you charmed within seconds of arrival - all bladder kicks will be forgiven.
Titus - thanks - they might well be that age by the time I get talking to them anyway, pictures are good for now!
I've never been a baby person.. I stopped at one, which I could just about cope with... and on a side note.. just listening to Jim Corr on the radio... pah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaa! thank the lord for the good nutters of this earth!
Aha Watercats, I think you'll find that you were once a baby person, at least once, ask your folks if you don't believe me.
Thanks Kat, sadly none of the neices or nephews have been blessed with the name Ted or Dougal, but sure there's always another time.
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