Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm not usually one to boast...

Ok - who am I kidding - this blog is one big long boast really, but I have a story in the newest, shiniest, just hot off the presses, 128 pages of wonderment, Winter issue of
the Stinging Fly.
(legendary Dublin based literary magazine)

Proof, if proof were needed is here - where you'll see my name listed along with the names of many much better writers than me. It's a crazy world.

I love the alphabet.


GUNS said...

wooo hooo!... the stinging fly is a good boast :-D
delighted for you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you - well done!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Fantastic, and no mean feat. Can't wait to read it!

Rachel Fox said...

Less modesty - more boasting...hurray!

Pete Goulding said...

Oh, well done you! That's a great one to have on your CV. I've been trying to get accepted in there for ages but apparently they only accept quality stuff.

The Dead Acorn said...

Wow ... congratulations!

Louise said...
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Louise said...

Stop putting yourself down, you are beginning to sound like me and that is never good! Seriously well done on getting into The Stinging Fly, praise to you oh talented one!!! Boast, boast and boast again, we have to enjoy the good times!!!!

Niamh B said...

Tks Guns, Dave, TFE, Rachel, Acorn and Socks.
Peter - I must've just slipped through the net :-)

Niamh said...

Well Done! The Stinging Fly! Thats a biggie! Great being a "B"!(also good for parent teacher meetings but not really in the same league of good!) Fantastic news, delighted for you!

Niamh said...

Well Done! The Stinging Fly! Thats a biggie! Great being a "B"!(also good for parent teacher meetings but not really in the same league of good!) Fantastic news, delighted for you!

Ross said...

Stinging fly? What a buzz! Well done, Niamh.

Máire T. Robinson said...

Congrats, Niamh! That's fantastic. I look forward to reading it.

Niamh B said...

Thanks Niamh! It was always nice for exams too - sitting near the door.
Thanks Ross and Máire :-)

Unknown said...

Congrats and yes why apologi3s for bosting you've achieved something pretty big!

Niamh B said...

Thanks Gwei - no apologies here!!

Emerging Writer said...

good on yer!

Titus said...

Yahoo! And the alphabet loves you!
How do we get a copy?

Niamh B said...

Thanks EW! Titus - I think you can order it from that link :-)