Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Losing one

Well, I've lost a follower, I've no idea who it was, but my 52 strong army of fans has reduced to 51. Never mind. They won't ever read this, but it's very possible that they have too much sympathy with the meany-pants quitter birds of last week's fame.

They'll also never know about the fabulous book of myths launching this week in Tallaght's fabby doo arts centre - Rua Red, Wednesday at 7pm.

Writers of the South Dublin County persuasion were asked by the brilliant Eileen Casey to contribute a new myth set within the area. It's a wonderful little book with fantastic flights of fancy, explanations of local places, names etc, and some of the writers will be reading from their work on the night.

My myth explains how Citywest got its name and why golf is still played there to this day.
It was a great and fun project to take part in, and one I think could be very easily and successfully transferred to other places....

Anyways - see ye there (except for the meany-pants quitter bird lover)


Helen said...

'meany pants' .. oh I love that expression and haven't heard it in years and years.

If you threatened me with bodily harm I could not tell you how many followers I have on any given day. I am certain they must drop off, new fans appear, and the cycle goes on and on. I will not abandon you! I love reading your blog.

The Dead Acorn said...

The meany-pants quitter-birds needed to be called out for what they are. I've been tired of treating them with deference for fear of upsetting their delicate little egos. As for your Army, you can now create 3 equal Divisions of 17 and not worry about perceptions of favoritism when one of them would have gotten 18. And if your followers were a deck of cards, I would equate the quitter with the 3 of clubs.

Pete Goulding said...

There is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth than in 51 others that continue to follow thy blog - (Leviticus) Oh no, wait, that's wrong, isn't it?
Sounds like a good project. Will the book be available to foreigners?

Anonymous said...

we lose and gain from time to time,
when your followers increase to more than 200, it is hard to keep up.

Anonymous said...


Hello, How exciting to land on your magical poetry land.
Hope you well.

I am inviting you to join us for poetry potluck fun.
First Time participants are encouraged to link in 1 to 3 random poems to share, old poems are welcome. Hope to see you in.

I signed in to follow your blog.
welcome follow us back.

Happy Tuesday!
You Rock!

Niamh B said...

Ah thanks Helen, and you're right, there's probably a cycle to it, I don't know why people de-follow though - don't think I've ever done that - but then I don't religiously read the ones I follow every single day either.
Thanks Acorn. Which division will go forward and which will take the flanks though? I do appreciate the input.
Ah they'll never be back Peter, once a quitter bird, always a sheeps pyjamas. Yes foreigners are invited and are most welcome to spend their foreigner euros at the red carpet premiere in Rua Red.
Ah Jingle - don't think I'll ever have that 200 follower problem... Will have a look at the potluck

Niamh B said...

Thanks Kat, will see what can be done re getting your hands on it!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Anonymous (no followers) demented with jealousy, shot them.

With a blow pipe laced with boring poetry.They will wake up later confused but in a far better place.(Ranelagh)

Pete Goulding said...

Yes, tell us about Citywest. Its such a beautiful name...

Niamh B said...

That makes me sad TFE, but it's the most likely explanation alright.
Peter - it all dates back to a girl called Citti, and a nobleman entitled Lord West. I'd hate to spoil it for anyone who's going to read it for themselves, so I'll leave it at that.

Titus said...

It wasn't me!
And yes, how does one get one's stayer-hands on said little book?

Niamh B said...

Hi Titus, would never have suspected you - I shall check out whether it's gonna be available online - it'll be a great read, going on the readings I heard last night alone.