Sunday, June 13, 2010

Poetry Bus - starring the poetry dog

So I took option 1 of Jeanne's thought provoking prompts - see details here....

It made me think about sound and our uses of it, back to our earliest days, and I came up with the following...

(BTW I don't think my reading in this is particularly good, plus the poem itself needs a bit more work... and I would have retaped except for the genius performance of my wonder poetry dog, and since it's kind of a poem about doting on the young ones, and since she's turning 2 today, I had to post it anyway, plus had to cut the start and the end of it to fit it in... hope it still looks ok - turn the sound off, but back on again when the poetry dog makes her reappearance, her timing is amazing!)

(...and yes by the way - that is our garden - Mr VC went out there three weeks ago and hasn't been heard from since...)


Totalfeckineejit said...

That pooch either really loves, or really hates, poetry.

I loves this and the performo of it.
Lawn could stand a mowing though.

Words A Day said...

It's great to hear as well as read someone work. It was very disturbing to hear your voice though, it sounds, unnervingly, like mine. Voice theft 911!

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Niamh, I love the line of 'puking new combinations,' too. A unique, albeit SOUND perspective of Motherhood. Brilliant, indeed!

@ctors Business said...

"Were you a sound poet too?"
Great line, I think you have captured so well the essence of a baby's talking. It took me back to when my daughter was at that stage. Her,
"Life was sweet and my audience adoring
Fans complete, captive and awake to each station"

I really enjoyed reading and listening to this, thank you

Niamh B said...

Thanks TFE - I like to hope she loves it! Other wise she's livin in doggy hell.
Funny Words a Day - himself said it didn't really sound like me anyway - so maybe I borrowed yours!
Thanks Kat, Ask Kev whether he noticed the body of the dead lawnmower that died in the valiant attempt to clear the place.
Thanks Jeanne, very kind!
Thanks Gwei Mui, glad you enjoyed!

Pete Goulding said...

A brilliant notion and all the rhymes work great. You truly are a sound poet of the highest order!

Rachel Fox said...

It is a great idea...poets are so like babies...or toddlers anyway...and it would work really well as sound over video of a baby crawling about I think. And when you read it again...slower (please) so we can really savour the sounds.

Pure Fiction said...

Wow! Really brilliant stuff - love the whole concept and the way you've carried it through. And that dog was a masterful touch :)

Niamh B said...

Thanks Peter, sound of you to say so...
Thanks Rachel - sadly speedwise am limited - I think this blog only takes 1 minute of tape... I am going to work on doing that other one from a few weeks back.
Thanks PF! The dog took hours and hours to train to do that bit of improv :-)

Niamh B said...

Hi Kat, it's not on the Liffey Sound website - you need to paste this into your browser

and there you'll find the link to it, thanks for your interest and persistance!!

Dominic Rivron said...

A very sensual poem. It reminded me of sitting in my pram humming a drone and strumming my bottom lip (I'm going back a bit, but I'm sure I remember it).

Karen said...

Niamh, I love it! Being a grandmother of a new little coo-er, I can identify with this, slobbers, spittle, and all!

The voice is great. I haven't the courage to try the readings yet.

chiccoreal said...

Dear Niamh: Raw energy! Positive life force from the inner child; pure baby through. Your accent so liltingly adorable as the baby! You could say anything and it would be so nice sounding I'd be wanting to take me nappy (oh those diapers across the pond!). Totally captivating sweety! Love your voice +++!!!

Niamh B said...

Thanks Dominic, I think we all do remember stuff from baby hood!
Thanks Karen and congrats on your grandmotherhood - go on and get your voice out - if i can anyone can!!
Thanks Chic - such a sweet comment.. we all hate our own voices though when recorded don't we? In that reading I just hate the unsureness of how I'm saying things, but the darn dog can't be relied on to perform so well twice, so I have to go with it!!

Titus said...

Aaargh! I'm in awe. Reading the poem made me happy. Watching the video made me happy. The dog made me happy.
And oh, the garden made me happy. I feel so much better now.

Niamh B said...

Thanks Titus, am so happy my huge efforts in gardening have led to such happiness!!