Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lost Camera - but poems in shops will continue...

The second poem for shops is in testing phase at the moment. This time I'm taking a more natural approach, with a hand written version. I have set up a mini-hyper-market gift shop in the kitchen and am in the midst of practising my placement skills, walking by and dropping a slip of paper in the upright position, without looking in the least bit suspicious. HOWEVER I am not practising taking pictures of it, (some would say this is the most important part of the whole exercise, and some would say that some have little to be talking about), because the camera is missing;
This is also why I can't show you the stunning pictures taken on a lovely walk around Bray Head yesterday, including some lovely natural lichen art, and a picture of a fantastic hovering bird, that was so stationary in the sky he looked like an ink blot on a cloud, until we got closer and could see it really was a bird - surfing and playing in the wind currents somehow pausing about 6 feet above a perfectly good perch (ie an electric cable - maybe he was making some kind of environmental point, now that I think of it)... anyway - nor can I show you the fantastic christmas decorations in my house - which I couldn't have shown anyway, because they DON'T GO UP until the 12th of the month, and this year that is going to be a struggle, since I will be out the previous night somewhere around Dubland, busy all day the next day, and out the next night somewhere in Corkland, but I'll manage somehow...
Priority no. 1 right now is the camera, got to find the camera for more poetry in shops antics - TFE is going to put his fabulous award winning sunglasses poem up in a shop near you soon, if he can find a shop selling sunglasses, and there are tons of other lovely poets thinking of doing likewise - Hurrah!!


Titus said...

Waah! I feel your pain. Never mind, just tell us about it.

Niamh B said...

Thanks Titus - was easy enough to find in the end - lichen pic is up now.