Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Things to do when half asleep

So the week is more than half way done, and half asleep might or might not be the way you're feeling right now... but if it is, here are some fun things you can try to maximise your enjoyment of that particular state of being...

1. Cook yourself a nice "Coffee" using the following simple recipe:
5-7 g of coffee
45 ml of milk (if available - can be substituted with cold water if milk is not around the house and you don't have a cow)
230 ml of boiling hot water
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, mixing thoroughly - the order of addition can be varied depending on the flavour/ dissolution level required.
Serve in a "Cup" if desired.

2. Investigate your own body, by allowing yourself to fall asleep in an unusual position, discover new muscles within your frame that you never knew existed; when you awake they will announce themselves by their aches. Isn't science fun?

3. Write. Not only does writing when you are nearly asleep lead to greater creativity - because you are as close as possible to that master of imagination, the subconscious, but also this technique leads you to a pleasant surprise when you get to read stuff that you don't remember ever writing. A word of caution, on the rereads - if what you are rereading is truly brilliant check whether it is covered with card board - this may actually be a book that you own, and not something you've written at all.

If you would like to try these things, but don't seem to be half asleep at the moment, don't panic, merely stay up longer than usual, all night if necessary - you will get there in the end, it's nature, we all get sleepy eventually.



Totalfeckineejit said...

Brain surgery,apparently surgeons do it all the time.Operating farm machinery is another good one.Tightrope walking,a trapeeze act,putting your head in a crocodile's/lion's/ mother in law's mouth.The list is endless.Actually it isn't cos I can't think of anymore.Oh, hang on, anything to do with ladders, driving a fast car with your hands and one foot behind your back,operating an industrial mince making machine.Ordering chinese.That's it now, I'm done.

Although I did brush my teeth with(someone elses)hemorrhoid cream when half asleep and a little half cut. Teeth never got piles to this day.

Niamh B said...

Thanks TFE - great tip on maintaining healthy teeth, you never mentioned the effect on the gums tho?

Dominic Rivron said...

I'm so half asleep at the moment that logging in and verifying a word to post this comment are almost insurmountable obstacles!

You could always add to your list, "go online and click on a link you never clicked on before and keep telling yourself you're just going to click on one more before you go to bed." A sure-fire recipe for staying up very, very late.

Niamh B said...

Very good Dominic - I like that feeling alright - kind of an equal and opposite cousin to the "one more snooze" urge that keeps you in bed that extra five minutes the next day...

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes, that was the only drawback , my gums fell out.