Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Bus Bus Bus - tickets on sale here - get yer tickets

I'm back in the drivers seat once more this week. Thanks to NanU for leaping in to save us all from certain nonbusness there over the weekend, and Watercats - hope all's well with ye, and that ye're back soon.

Now for the ticket.

Pick a newspaper, any newspaper. (I don't actually buy newspapers.. would you believe I rely on blogs/ facebook/ the tabloids in the work canteen and my 6th sense to tell me what's really going on) - but anyway - get your paper. Find a small little story - you know the kind - no more than 2 inches of print "Boy saves dog during thunderstorm" "Man lives to be 1000" - those kind of things... ie a really short little news item - nothing majorly important.

Make a poem inspired by it - either write about it, or as if you lived it, or that it's gonna happen, or what the consequences of it would be, or how the journalist found out the story, or if you were a friend of those concerned etc etc etc etc...

I heard somewhere once that this is where Bob Dylan got some of his songs - so maybe have him playing in the background for extra mojo while you're writing.

Good Luck folks - will get the bus up and running on Sunday next for those who want to hop on. Until then I'll be cleaning windows.


The Bug said...

Ooh - I just happen to get the paper currently (for the Sunday coupons). And it's a small-townish type paper so I'm sure I'll find something fascinating to work with. Interesting prompt!

Pete Goulding said...

Ha! I don't buy newspapers either but I always read other people's....

Niamh B said...

Glad you like the look of it Bug - look forward to seeing what you get!
Peter - isn't it amazing how stingy us bloggers can be?

Titus said...

That is, it must be said, a mint prompt.
The Dumfries and Galloway Standard's standard headline will be the sort of thing you're looking for. And I quote.
Friday Sept. 24th:
Driver nearly crashes after being "blinded" by light

Straight up; that's the lead story. It was Keith Wilson of Douie Crescent. You know.

Niamh B said...

Those Darn Laser Yobs, bout time someone wrote a poem about em, teach em a lesson!

Niamh B said...

Good stuff Kat, look forward to seeing you then then

Totalfeckineejit said...

Like Frosties, this is GRRRrrreat!

Karen said...

Oh, I cheated this time, but I'm up!


The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes - I shall be at the bus stop come Monday morning. I live near to a little town which has a very local paper and outside our paper shop is a billboard which gives the head line local news (all very parochial). The most memorable one was "woman in court for hitting brother with stick of rhubarb" (I kid you not.)

Niamh B said...

Kat & Karen you're all linked up, Thanks TFE,
and weaver - that is just a great one!

Doctor FTSE said...

This should be a really fruitful prompt! I have bought a ticket already HERE. Can I please sit quietly in the bus until it pulls out?

Niamh B said...

Have you up on yesterdays post now Doctor - along with the other early arrivals!

Jinksy said...

I've a ticket waiting to be clipped HERE

Niamh B said...

great stuff jinksy - i have you linked up on yesterdays post along with the other early birds

Niamh B said...

Bet they don't sell poetry bus tickets though, they are priceless

Unknown said...

hey Niamh, my pohem is here: http://jmaybury.blogspot.com/2010/10/three-graces.html

great prompt!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Have posted my poem for the bus./ Sorry but can't do the linky thing.

Titus said...

That's me Niamh. Cheated a bit.


Pete Goulding said...

Me and my rhino are at the stop - www.stammeringpoet.blogspot.com

Mrs.Trellis said...

I have applied for my buspass HERE. Thank you for the enjoyable prompt.

Niamh B said...

Thanks All - you're all linked up on today's post, I look forward to seeing your wondrous creations soon.

Niamh B said...

Thanks All - you're all linked up on today's post, I look forward to seeing your wondrous creations soon.

NanU said...

One, please!
I only ever read the paper on Sunday...

Niamh B said...

got you linked up NanU!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Another poem on my blog for this week's bus please.

Niamh B said...

tks weaver - your second one is added to today's post now

coach to sunway lagoon said...

You have given excellent information about bus ticket on sale. The bus tickets are given at discounted price

Unknown said...
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