Monday, October 11, 2010

Brain Teasers

For your coffee break tomorrow, or your midnight snack tonight - why not have a crack at one of the following little mathematical proofs... link down below there

There's prizes going for the person who gets them out first...

I just hope you'll remember where you first heard about em when you're claiming your prize


Pete Goulding said...

I daresay I could do most of them if I put my mind to it, so long as there's no mention of fig rolls.

Niamh B said...

I know, it's very distracting when they use food in mathematical problems.
Do remember to keep your workings.

Titus said...

Done 'em. Won 'em.

Totalfeckineejit said...
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Totalfeckineejit said...

The Riemann hypothesis was Hilbert's eighth problem, I've got a fair idea what the other seven were too. Being called 'Speccy' at school was probably one of them.

Niamh B said...

Funny Titus, it seems they haven't updated the site with your win, get on to them I'd say - typical shoddy onlineness.
Oh TFE, poor old Hilbert, clever of him to number his problems though wasn't it - would you say they're numbered in order of importance?

Ross said...

I can see a difficulty straight away. A major problem here is that this is not a question - it is a statement.

"The question is whether, for all problems for which a computer can verify a given solution quickly (that is, in polynomial time), it can also find that solution quickly."

How do you give an answer to a statement? Stupid mathematicians.

Niamh B said...

Titus - I've just realised, they've probably had a rush in entries since i've posted this, so maybe there's going to be a draw for the first 10 correct answers.
And yeah Ross, stupid mathematicians, where would the world be without the poets I ask you? We'd still be living in the dark ages if we'd left those scientists in charge!!