Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lights, Camera....

So, I'm famous - "Yeah, yeah," I hear you say, "we all knew that."
Well actually... today... I had my real live big break. At volunteering, some nice folkies from the Beeb wandered in and took a close up of me at work, doing what I do best, stirring a pot of bubbling gravy with a generous rhythm and knowing sensitivity that the cameraman actually took two shots to capture, such was the complexity and beauty of the scene.
I'm on the BBC news channel tomorrow with it apparently. That's my hands under the blue gloves. Ah, no wonder the parents are so proud, all those years of hard work and education have not been for nothing, oh no ......


Domestic Oub said...


Drama Queen said...

They obviously heard of your success at Liffey Sound and tracked you down. Where next, I find myself wondering, will this shy gentle genius turn up?

Niamh B said...

Oub - I didn't think it was possible to get across such sarcasm in only 3 letters! but you managed it!!
DQ - yes - the producer said it was the most moving gravy stirring she had ever seen. It's probably going to be on the main news - they might even sell it on to CNN.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Gravy stirring is a totally underated skill and a much maligned hobby but in all fairness I really don't think they will sell your gravy to CNN, coffee is more their thang. Can you stir coffee too?

Colm Keegan said...

i'd say that was weird! But you never know, maybe you could get a lucrative career in marigold modelling, or ad's with washing up in them, or turning knobs etc.

Niamh B said...

TFE - Maybe you're right, feckin coffee stirrers with their slim little coffee spoons. I can, of course, stir coffee, but normally that is done without a glove, and I don't think nudity is something I need to consider at this stage in my career.
Uisce - Yeah, I mean there's bound to be dozens of picking up rubbish with rubber gloves ads coming out soon, what with that being the new top career option. Not sure about the turning knobs idea - again for reasons of decency outlined above, you don't generally see a switch being turned with someone wearing a glove - unless it's a crime drama and they're turning down the dimmer switch on the lights in the ballroom...there's a thought.

Domestic Oub said...

I was being sincere!

Just becuase you're jaded & cynical, doesn't mean we all are...


Niamh B said...

I am jaded, and cynical, us tv stars tend to be that way, once we make it big...