Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Plumbers can't hear my voice

It's strange but true.
We had one in our house today... a plumber I mean. I was being all enthusiastic, taking an interest in what we should or shouldn't do to our toilet in order to get it to stop slowly leaking all over the bathroom floor and seeping through the kitchen ceiling, being a responsible citizen and all. And maybe it was the way I said the word "Ball-cock" that made him take offence, especially from a lady of my current stature and medical condition... but he actually couldn't physically hear a word that I said, and consequently didn't answer any of the many intelligent and probing plumbing related questions that I fired in his direction.
Luckily the deafness extended to my maniacal laughter when comment after question met the same non response... I've left Mr VC to "sort him out" - and by that I mean pay him loads of money for coming to our house and treating us like something he stood in, it's a much sought after service in some circles you know.


Niamh said...

Best stick to stereotypical behaviour = "a cup of tea love? dont talk to me about toilets...it floats over me fluffy wuffy head)
You wild thing! and in your condition! Ball cock indeed!

The Dead Acorn said...

Over here across the pond, our ill-conceived "War On Drugs" targets what is known as "America's Crack Problem." I think that the real crack problem is a result of plumbers' t-shirts not being tucked in well enough when they are working. Is this a global issue?

Titus said...

You're too smiley! Scowl more, and carry a big stick.
No news?! No news?!

Domestic Oub said...

I had this problem with a bank guy and a solicitor recently. I became magically invisible while Mr D'Oub glowed (or something) That said, I did get a bit of attention eventually when they realised Mr D'Oub hadn't a bogs notion anything they were going on about and I inexplicably did...

(Dead Acorn - sadly yes, a global horror)

Niamh B said...

Niamh - surely he'd have heard a cup of tea being offered alright, I should have tried that!! lol
Acorn - Oub obviously has evidence to the affirmative, however I do have to say that while the t-shirt was not tucked in, this guy had boxers that would cover australia, so no - at least I can say I didn't experience that particular trauma.. (not that I was looking)
Titus - it's every second day - yesterday was a good one, today I'm a crazy lady again, no news and probably won't have any for another while. Trying to look on the bright side of all the money we're saving on nappies!!
Mr VC glows all the time Oub, makes him very convenient to find in the dark, although he complains in restaurants and at maternity check ups it seems to be all about the woman...

The Poetry Bus said...

Did somebody say something?

Niamh B said...

Didn't know you were a plumber!