Sunday, July 11, 2010

Poetry Bus - Dominic's Challenge

So this week our mission was to write a poem on something, literally.

Here's my offering, written on the underneath of a desk

And in case you can't decipher my scribble, I give you...

Drooping at Work on a Quiet Evening

Whose desk this is, I think I know,
he's currently at a meeting though
he will not see me sitting here
to make the evening pass less slow

the bubble wrap half bursted, mere
blisters of joy made dissappear
a scatter of notes, a dusty flake
the boringest work day of the year

I survey it - think what'll I take
Or is there something I can break
Anything to speed up the creep
of passing time, and office ache

I peel veneer on his desk cheap
and rifle through the drawers deep
and feel like I could fall asleep
and feel like I could fall asleep


Rachel Fox said...

This certainly gets the message over...the ache of boredom! More than a hint of Robert Frost and his miles to go too (on purpose?).

Niamh B said...

Got it in one Rachel!

The Bug said...

Love this - I feel this way at work VERY often (which is one of the reasons I started blogging). Alas, there's no veneer for me to vandalize. Sigh.

Unknown said...

My god that brought back memories!
So true, love the detail. The bubble wrap (who, who has worked in an office hasn't done that!)

Dominic Rivron said...

lol! Fascinating things can be found occasionally on the underside of tables, etc. I wonder when someone'll find it and read it?

Does the desk owner read your blog?

Helen said...

I must say, this makes me glad I'm retired. Don't miss that office routine one little bit! Enjoyed this a lot.

Gwil W said...

Reminds me of school. The only thing I ever discovered on underside of anyone's desk was chewing gum. Why do they do that?

Niamh B said...

Thanks a mill all, I must stress the fictional and imaginative nature of this piece of work.
Bug - that ain't vandalism it's art!
Gwei - I'd say bubble wrap has saved many the person's sanity.
Dominic, The desk owner doesn't read the blog, unless I sometimes force him to. (yep tis Mr VCs)
Thanks and welcome Helen, glad you enjoyed.
Poet in res - I always thought that was a generous gesture for future desk users who could avail of the stuff at a later date.

Jinksy said...

Brilliant concept and poem - I loved it!

NanU said...

I love the idea of marking this desk forever, a secret treasure to be found some long off day by a person who will scratch their head and wonder.

Domestic Oub said...

Excellent poem Niamh. You should really transcribe it to your work place... (Though I'd wait till when you leave to become a world famous poet superstar)

Anonymous said...

Loved this, full of wonderful little observations, and great atmosphere of a boring Friday afternoon when the clock seems to have slowed to a crawl.
thanks for sharing

Niamh B said...

Thank you jinksy, very kind.
Tks NanU, that's the hope, but it's not the sturdiest of desks, mightn't last long enough!!
Thanks Oub, yes the career guidance consultant says I should wait another while and then become a full time poet once the takings from that equal or exceed the price of the day job... should be any day now.
Thanks a million Crazy field mouse, like I say - it's completely fictional, but wonderful to hear I seem to have got the mood accurately despite never having experienced it in person. lol

Pete Goulding said...

Hi Niamh, do you have one of those Penale pen sets that they used to advertise on the Shopping Channel that can write upside down? Or did you turn the desk upside down?
I love that form. Difficult to write I imagine with the shortness of the lines but yours flows like wine.

Niamh B said...

Thank you Peter - the drawer was upside-down-turnable, I've never had a Penalli pen, but then I've never needed to stick a pen right through an aluminium can, so I've been lucky enough that way...
The frost poem is one of my faves, and I think it's the only one I ever learned off just because I love it/ couldn't help knowing it, so found the form ok, I thnk for those reasons.

chiccoreal said...

Dear Niamh: I always wondered what secrets lie buried in ancient wooden desks. Much more than "Kilroy was here" this bumps up the need to leave a bit of ourselves in these inanimate objects...but sleep overtakes us and then it is too late!" Brilliant as always Niamh! Love you desk talk!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Bubble wrap should be on prescription.Poems inscribed on/under tables should be compulsory.
Guerilla poetry rules.Good work comrade.

Argent said...

This made me laugh out loud. I have been there. I love the sly looking for something to break - it really tickled my mean bone. My fave this week I think.

Niamh B said...

Tks Chicco, my speciality table scrawl used to be a doors logo - this is better I guess!
Tks TFE - let's keep the poems in unlikely places going!! Yippee!!
Tks Argent, yes a wee bit mean alright, but like I say it's all a big old work of fiction!!


Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Bubble wrap! Where would we be without it?!

Niamh B said...

I had it in my car to help cope with bad traffic for a long while too!!

Niamh B said...

Ah Kat, you have to post that one up!!

Erratic Thoughts said...
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Erratic Thoughts said...

I especially liked the last stanza...
Simply super idea of writing anywhere...
Lovely poem, truly.. :)


Niamh B said...

Thanks ET/ MD!

Niamh B said...

Thanks ET/ MD!