Monday, June 1, 2009

Blog winners

So here's me lovely award. Recieved with thanks from total feckin eejit - his link is over at the side - always worth a visit - and he has a decent music player in there as well! The award comes with certain terms and conditions as follows - so here they are

1. Post the award on your blog and link to the person who gave you the award.
2. List seven things you love. So...
1. Galway in sunshine on a bank holiday with kids having waterfights, and sipping wine in someone's back garden
2. When you get all the green lights
3. The Goldfishes - all three of them
4. The newly aquired husband - only one of them
5. Brilliant books
6. Crap books - cos they make me feel better about chances of publication
7. Friends, family, nice strangers, all of humankind

Finally,pass it on! List seven blogs you love and let those people know you’ve given them the award.Here are my Kreativ Blogger Award recipients!:

1: An Ghuir Aniar - means west wind, and I'm not just giving him this because he's letting me use his laptop to write this, but because his is a very fine blog, and gives reason to try a bit at the aul Irish. Check him out.

2: Domestic Oubliette started her bloglife around the same time as me, so we're kinda the same age - hers is full of funny insights on life and the universe - well worth a visit

3: Drama Queen is the queen of blogland and media mogul extraordinaire. Very entertaining posts.

4: Huhtikuunoita means Witch of April, her photography is great, and I love trying to figure out what it's on about

5: A cool photographer travelling in thailand - worth a look

6: Swiss is pretty cool - always thought provoking

7: Uiscebot is always worth reading as well - a great writer, when he's not killing cute fluffy bunnies.


Anonymous said...

Truly honoured I am! When I find out how to do it, I'll post the award on my blog. My engineer is pretending to study for his Leaving which starts on Friday, so unavailable for consultation right now.
Wish I was in Galway sipping wine, but then I won't have to face the awful traffic on the return journey!

Unknown said...

What a pleasant surprise! I am so pleased you enjoy my blog.

Now I have to figure out how to pass this delightful on to others.

Unknown said...

Delightful favor, delightful honor, delightful something.

Didn't mean to write only delightful. Although, come to think of it, maybe it should become a noun. Perhaps some sort of pastry?

Huhtikuunnoita said...

Thank you. It´s delightful award :o)
yes, I like this very much.

Niamh B said...

Delightful is a good enough noun as far as I'm concerned, I think I'll go and have one with a cup of tea.
Well deserved awards for each of ye - keep up the good work
Onnea, ja kaikki se paras.

swiss said...

a fine collection of blogs. i do like the irish one tho if only for the look of all the funny 'i's. understanding is frustratingly close tho not enough that i didn;t laugh aat the unintentional accuracy of the keane post.

Niamh B said...

Yeah - he even has translations of the really tough words when you hover over them - a technologically advanced wind! Not sure what you mean about Keano - you know he's god don't you?