Anyway, earlier this week, myself and a sales guy I work with were having a little road trip around the North West of Engerland.
We got to talking, as you do. He was telling me how he heard that a true friend was someone you could call up at 2am and they would talk to you.
I'm going to test that theory tonight. All those people on facebook and in my mobile, just to see how many "real" friends I have. If you'd like me to call you - and you know I don't have your number, but you know we are real friends nonetheless - feel free to leave your number in the comment box.
I'll know if the phone is turned off that you are truly a good friend, because it means you read my blog.
If you think you might be a friend of mine and I don't get round to calling you - please don't be too upset, it'll merely be a design fault with the mobile/ alphabetical order etc etc. Feel free to call me instead, to test it out - tho obviously my phone will probably be tied up with all the friends I'll be chatting to.
People in America stand a far greater chance of proving themselves true friends in this experiment. But it'll be more expensive talking to them, so I probably won't stay on long! Hmm - will report back tomorrow.
Since loving someone means you never have to say sorry I won't apologise for not leaving my number. DQ
You know I already have yours here, talk to you later.... much later!!
Bwa hahahah
In fact, if any of my readers would like to check whether Drama Queen is their friend, just let me know and I'll give you her number.
Remember 9th caller wins a spot prize, but only start calling at 2am!!
I wouldn't answer the phone to my own mother at 2am...
It won't be your mother, it'll be me!
Hey, I ring people at 0200am all the time. + uk 7809 145620
In fact, I think I'll call you tonight.
I bet you do!! I'll be waiting by the phone!! :-)
You can call me and my message minder will talk to you, does that count?!
I shall have to wait till the next road trip with a sales man to check that one out!! In the mean time, how much time does your voicemail allow? I hate being cut off in the middle of something...
I have my night-cap perched on my head, a flask of coffee at the ready and my alarm set for 1.55am.
My pillows are all plumped up so that I won't nod off no matter how long (or short) the conversation. And I have a book of poetry to read to you if you run out of pleasantries. Talk soon....
Aaargh - I must have the wrong number for you, that or I fell asleep and merely dreamt that I tried to call. As you say loving someone means you never have to say sorry... Will try you tonight instead, promise
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