Sunday, March 13, 2011

Protesting on the Watercats bus

I had the same problem when we were told to write an angry poem for the bus, yonks ago, but this week's mission to write a good protest ditty has led to utter failure for me again...
there are so many unfair things in the world, and I know it's really important that they have their voice and people standing up against them, but I guess I feel unqualified to go on about them in the way that others can do, and do so, so much more powerfully than I ever could, because they speak from positions of authority about the raw mean-ness of life... But I can't do that, as I've been too darned lucky so far, and life has been too kind for me to really credibly get annoyed about anything much... so instead here's my feeble miaow against the half hearted angsty poem that I might have come up with if I had tried to fool myself with something angry.

For far better poems, and an exciting soon to come protest song (which will completely shock me if this stanza makes it to be a part of) head over to the driver's blog - wonderful watercats - here


I’m against the angry poems

a poem that bites and tears and foams

it won’t make nothing better

Like moo’s against wet leather


Batteson.Ind said...

i know that feeleing! I'd like to be able to get REALLY SERIOUSLY angry at stuff, but i just can't help but always see some sensible bigger picture... I thought this would be a chance to form some great statement, but alas, it seems nearly everyone who writes poetry is far too diplomatic!
This is definately going in the song though, it's one of my faves :-)

Louise said...

I thought at first is was moans about bad weather, but then quickly realised how ordinary that would be for you, and love your extraordinary, moo's against wet leather!

Helen said...

Well, this one's a winner! Moo, moo, moo.

Titus said...

As one who can fury at just about anything, I can't identify, but by golly that's a great final line!

Domestic Oub said...

I get angry, like Socks, about just about everything. If I accidentally trip, say, I get really really angry at my feet for their bloody incompetency. They don't have my favourite cereal in the supermarcket - steam out my ears.

I found this weeks task quite easy.

Well, except for ingoring the dum de dum bits. I won't get in the song :(

Niamh B said...

Watercats if you work that in, I will be most impressed!
Tks socks, you'd have to agree moo's against wet leather wouldn't do much!
Tks Kat, I guess it's about the futility of everything! but especially "moo"s - should I have spelt it "moo"s by the way?
Tks Helen, glad it amooosed you
Titus you're very kind.
Oub that's a bit crazy, about the cereal. the dum de dums are tough, i think they tripped me up too really...

Niamh B said...

Watercats if you work that in, I will be most impressed!
Tks socks, you'd have to agree moo's against wet leather wouldn't do much!
Tks Kat, I guess it's about the futility of everything! but especially "moo"s - should I have spelt it "moo"s by the way?
Tks Helen, glad it amooosed you
Titus you're very kind.
Oub that's a bit crazy, about the cereal. the dum de dums are tough, i think they tripped me up too really...

Enchanted Oak said...

I understand the reluctance to grumble when life has been extraordinarily kind to one, and others are eloquent on the injustices of the world. On the other hand, unleashed criticism can be fun. Like yours here.

Pete Goulding said...

Things that make me go hmmmmm. As usual, your sense of the absurd shines through Niamh. Hope you've copyrighted that last line

Niamh B said...

Thanks Oak and Peter I wouldn't dream of copyrighting that, a line like that deserves to be stolen... or at least a little travel. :-)

The Bug said...

I like this! I'm usually ranting about something at any given time, but it was still kind of hard to turn it into a poem :)

NanU said...

Protest did not come to me, either, alas. You at least got a neat poem out!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Moo cow disease?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Will the moos amuse the muse?

Niamh B said...

Tks Bug and NanU.
TFE - most amoosing