Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekly Wednesday

This week it's a day early, yes after three weeks of faithful service, this week's Weekly Wednesday has taken us all by surprise, arriving immediately after monday instead of patiently awaiting it's turn, elbowing timid tuesday out of the way. In this uncertain world let this be a lesson to us all, we can't assume or count on anything. Go ahead, enjoy tomorrow today, say to people "Thank god we're half way through the week" show up for any wednesday meetings or appointments and call people up who should be there, it is Wednesday after all - you can refer them here for confirmation if they complain. (Of course you should ignore any Tuesday obligations you have as well, such as making up philosophical tuesday questions for your blog etc etc). Ring up RTE tonight demanding the midweek movie if they don't run it. I suspect they will though, it's well known that all RTE bosses read this blog and obey its suggestions religiously. Happy Weekly Wednesday everyone!!


NanU said...

heywaitaminute! I was kind of looking forward to our little Tuesday evening gathering for pizza and Desperate Housewives (2 episodes, no commercials!!)
Does this bossy Wednesday business mean that's all off? Such a shame...

Totalfeckineejit said...

Janey Mac! First you were an hour in the future, now a whole day.This will end in tears, mark my words.
On the other paw I was going to give up drink today(Tues , real time)but seeing as it's wednesday now, I'll wait till next Tues. Pip pip!

Niamh B said...

I'm afraid so NanU - it's not tuesday today, no matter who tries to convince you otherwise.
TFE - yes, I will gladly pay you toosday for a hamburger that I eat today. Tuesday never comes. Let that be a lesson to us all.