Can you believe 7 days have passed? A whole 168 hours since last we celebrated weekly Wednesday? The second ever weekly Wednesday starts right here!
(I think this is a bit silly. I think in fact I will stop after this one, after I tell you my theory about Weekly Wednesday, how it comes from an ill-fated Wedding weakly planned to take place at Loch Ness one day. Maybe I'll stop even before that in fact, maybe I'll stop
and a very happy Wednesday to you too!
Will there be one next week?
I hope there's a Wednesday next week. It'll throw me off if there isn't.
Hi NanU - Thanks! There are no guarantees but all indications suggest that there will be yet another 24 hours of wednesdayness some time next week. Will let you know if I hear of any evidence to the contrary.
Apparently there are only a finite amount of mid-week days left in the days of the week store cupboard.Rumour has it that Wednesdays maybe rationed or scrapped entirely in order to conserve the middle of the week for future generations.
Ok. Well the last thing we need to do is panic everyone TFE. I have checked my diary and it appears that several of the remaining wednesdays of the year are still going to happen. We'll just have to wait now and see what happens... in the meantime enjoy the remainder of this one, savour it, and rest assured that next Wednesday is planned to take place as usual, (I called the government just to double check and they have promised.)
Fianna Fail have promised? Shite, we're doomed , start panicking everybody!
Latest news is that Wednesdays will not be ignored in the next budget, as they account for one seventh of our spending, and so to say they are fully safe would not be realistic. However next wednesday is still going ahead, and there is no cause for concern - if the day is cut, it will only be every second week or so, and long term we'll all get used to it.
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