Friday, December 28, 2012

IP IP Hooray!!

Domestic Oubliette has brought glory to Eire, lifting the spirits of a nation for the first time since the wonderful Katie Taylor earlier in the year, could this be a sign that we are turning things around?  That we could finally be winners?  or at least draw levellers?

She has put a marvellous poem in a shop with only a little gun holding to the head on my part.

Here's the proof! - and call over to her blog here to read the poem itself and read all about it.

In other news - there is a classic PIAS making a come back on hope's blog in the shape of a 55 word story - immortalised once more, we'll take it, and give the USA another half point in recognition....

Click over here, to see how she's seamlessly woven it in.
So the running tally - in the closest ever IPYPIASM score keeping since score keeping began - with only 3 more IPYPIASMing days to go...

Ireland  11
Scotland 11
USA 6.5

oooh exciting.  Get out there ye all!!

1 comment:

Domestic Oub said...

I'm going out tomorrow and I'm taking a poem with me - this is far to close to call!!!