Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The pomegranate of vice

Here's what would happen if the world went monochrome, ie black and white.

1. Most people would be better looking - apart, possibly, from Pink.
2. You wouldn't have to worry about mismatching navy and black socks.
3. Team sports would never happen again - since it would be too hard to tell the teams apart (assuming no one tells the sporty types the obvious solution of one team wearing white and one wearing black)
4. Fresians and other monochrome animals would have the last laugh as they wouldn't change a bit.
5. No artificial colours in anything ever, so they could stop boasting about it in the ads/ on packs.

1. Snooker would get more complicated, with rules like - "Next pot the third lightest grey ball"
2. War would break out over whether it's spelled grey or gray, since it would be so important in the new monochrome world. (On the slightly positive side - peace would be declared in the colour/ color epic struggle since it would no longer matter)
3. Spreadsheets would get (even more) boring
4. Different flavours of flavoured milk would be indistinguishable from each other by sight alone and would need to be tasted to tell them apart. The taste wouldn't be as strong without the colour.
5. Joseph would just have a coat.

And if that all ain't controversial....


Niamh B said...

Shucks Kat! you're too kind! Are you taking part in OWWSSCW? (Official World Wide Say Something Controversial Week)

The Dead Acorn said...

So I would regularly turn coal-black with embarrassment instead of just beet-red? Hmm.

Dominic Rivron said...

Chess would be popular.

Rachel Fox said...

This would so easily turn into a very funny poem. Go! Do!

The Bug said...

Ha! But I LIKE baseball! Although the black & white uniform thing should work...

Mike has a facebook friend (from the UK) who's planning on dropping all those "controversial" u's from his words because it saves typing time :)

Niamh B said...

Hiya kat, it's a sorta one woman movement at the moment... not quite getting off the ground...
You would indeed Acorn.
Chess lovers might say it already is Dominic!
Rachel - I completely agree, but the skill/ time to do that is just at the moment absent. Maybe in the future.
Bug - that friend from the UK, he'll have so say he's from the K in future then... I wonder has he considered that!?

Howling at the Moon said...

If you could make that happen, you'd be a hero to colorblind people the world over. Maybe they'd erect a statue of you.

Niamh B said...

There'd be a fair few people who mightn't thank me at the same time Howling!!

Rachel Fox said...

Oh I managed some controversy eventually. So long the post though, so long...

Niamh B said...

rachel, I'll need to book some time off work, family etc to get the time to read it... but I'll sure it'll be good when I do!