Sunday, January 11, 2009

And the covetted award for most tiring day of the week goes to....

TODAY. And it's only 10 to 12.

I'm posting from Cork, and if you're wondering about the sudden lack of gratuitous cursing and nudity in the blog, I've cleaned it up beyond recognition, in order to show it to my folks...
Last night we left the first opening night (going for a record no. of mentions of the word night in a sentance here) of Nighthawks at around 11.00 at night, (not only because I'm a boring old sod, really, honestly) excellent club, don't ever go, seriously, we nearly didn't get in - but just managed to squeeze in, so I'm not recommending it to anyone. (But I have to admit it was brilliant, great mix of things as promised, too many highlights to single out. Well done CK and SK)
So we got home in good time to enjoy the chinese water torture that was my neighbour's car alarm, going off at regular intervals - every half hour or so during the night, marvellous.

Today I arose at 7.50 am, in order to drive to Cork, so excited about seeing aforementioned new baby - see last post if you missed it. But then, did I check the opening/ visiting hours? Did I heck! Remember - not a planner. So I'm an hour down the road by the time I hear visiting opens at 3pm, and the bouncers are pretty tough. Had to divert to plan B, instead of going straight to the hospital, I'm here enjoying the home comforts, and showing the folks the blog for the first time. I think I've created a monster, my mother's set up on facebook and all now... Every one should become friends with her, she's lovely.

Will be a grumpy gut by the time I get back to Mr VC (to be) I fear, but I guess these obnoxious bursts of energy come with a price - what is the craic tho - disco, walk and now long round trips halfway down the country? I'm beginning to worry.

Photo is courtesy of

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