Thursday, September 22, 2011


you know that childish urge to write an "i" in the middle of those To Let signs?

There'll be one of those signs outside my house some time soon... but we'll be gone... - yep we're finally packed up and ready to go - leaving the house of many firsts. First place we lived together without other people around... place I wrote my first two novels... left from here for our first wedding... and of course to have our first baby cushions... and it's also clean and clutter free now for the FIRST time since we moved in.
It's lovely living in a house with an echo

here's a picture from the online ad showing how blank the place is now - oh and the lawn has been mowed at at long last as well - strange times.

we're on the road south in the morning


The Dead Acorn said...

Sounds like extra boxes were needed just for memories.

Pete Goulding said...

I thought I was the only person itching to put in the i.
I think there's a big difference between an echoey house before you move in and after you move in. There's hope in the first and a wistfulness to the second.
Good luck down in Corcaigh.

Maura said...

Good luck down there! Will miss being able to call in on the way down home!

The Bug said...

Ooh - love the hardwood floors. Too bad we can't check it out, but the commute would be a bit outrageous.

I'll be excited to hear about your new "first" adventures.

Niamh B said...

Acorn - we had to leave some of them there...
Haha Peter - nope - have never actually done it though!!
Maura - you can still call in... I mean - hopefully there'll be tenants there, but we can stipulate that they should be nice to ye.
Ah Bug! Yes a lot of new firsts coming up!! Baby cushions gave us his first proper laugh this week - a real little chuckle

Titus said...

Oh, something so sad in this for me, and in the photograph too. Those shining patio doors at the end leading to all those new possibilities...

Good Luck with the move and the settle-in. I wonder where Corcaigh is? And how you pronounce it.

2 novels?! 2!?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Corcaigh is Irish for Cork Titus and it's pronounced 'Not as good as Tipp' :)

Niamh B said...

Ah Titus - they were both really just practise to build up a bit of writing muscle so that I'd be ready and fully primed when I tackled my real first novel... the muscle's turned to flab now though... sadly.
corcaigh is pronounced "biggest county in ireland and the rest of em are so jealous"

Domestic Oub said...

Sniffle, sniffle...

Niamh B said...

a tissue!

Batteson.Ind said...

good luck with everything, and you never know, we might bump into ye at some point, I promise it'll be a bit more personable an encounter than the last time! ;-)

swiss said...

did you leave all the strange onions?

and i like the i thing. the word for sale in swedish is slut (pronounced sloot) and when it's sale time it's a never end of comedy for me and exasperation for the relatives. and that's before t gets to fahrt