Saturday, July 13, 2013

Catch up

Hiya folksies

How's the summer with ye?  It's actually summer here for the first time ever, we're living at the beach every weekend, that and the back garden, and we're slipping around a lot thanks to the sun cream that i luckily bought a whole case of at the start of the summer, since I need to have it in every bag and every pram and every car, cos I'm so crazy and unpredictable, I never know where I'm going next (to the beach) or with what bag (the big one that keeps drinks cool, or the big cheap flowery looking one).

Looking forward to Louise's new book that's coming out soon - the Doll House, and to a mini reunion that's happening soon with writing buddies of yore.  I have a new writing group, but I've only attended about 3 times in the last year, and brought my first story written in about two years in to them lately.   As opposed to the old prolific days pre baba, when all the spare energy that didn't go towards keeping work from firing me could go into writing, or radio show preparing, and we used to meet every two weeks.

No other craic here, little fella's in good form, enjoying his copy of the Caterpillar magazine and eagerly awaiting the next bus...


The Bug said...

I've mostly been writing crap lately (& mostly in my head because I can't bear to actually have the words appear on a screen). Ugh. I'm calling it menopause brain & hoping it clears up eventually!

Why is Ohio in the darn middle of the country & hours & hours from any ocean? Why?

Totalfeckineejit said...

The next bus? I hope it's a poetry one!

Niamh B said...

Our hot flush has passed Bug, back to clouds and dodging showers here...
It is indeed Peadar - we're waiting impatiently!!