When I saw this, I almost gave up, almost walked away without even approaching the counter, what if they demanded to check the card before I put it up, and what if then they were to giggle at me for my effort? Horror of horrors. But I said to myself
"NO, I will not just walk away from this challenge, 6 members on facebook of the group "poems in shops" plus my countless reader(s) internationally are counting on me".
I had to continue. So I asked the girl for a card. She was up to my tricks though - she could obviously see through my innocent appearance, right through to the subversive darkness lurking beneath. She said, "We don't put them up straight away" this suggesting a series of rigorous hurdles that my poor little poem would have to work through. There was I thinking putting a poem up in a shop would be easier than getting it published somewhere proper. Next thing she said to me completely wiped me out, astounded and confused me so much that I could only walk out with a dazed head on me, clutching the still blank little square of paper in my sweaty hands... What she had said was "We only put them up on Tuesdays" shaking her head at me, telling me I'd better walk away now, and not cause a scene, not to dare respond with a "But today's tuesday!" Instead I nodded - beaten for now.
It's not easy being a renegade artist. Bansky I fully understand your pain...
don't lose heart. fight the power. look out for those supermarkets where you slide the card into like, like say tescos, where the staff'll be too bored to care.
choose your moment
reading this has changed my whole outlook from postexistentialistangst to postmystuffinashopgiggle. thanks
Thanks Swiss, was thinking also of putting the poem to rest in one of those coffin fridges, way easier but a bit less professional?
Bill, hope you do post your stuff in a shop - be sure to let me know if you do... Remember there's only 20 more "International Put your Poem in a shop" days left till the end of the month!!
my blog seems to be behaving funny lately by the way - not sure if it's just my computer - but you may have to hit december to get all the posts....
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